
Welcome to The Real Reality Coach, where we offer a range of services aimed at empowering individuals and groups to live their best lives. Led by our founder Dorothy Patterson, our team is dedicated to providing valuable resources and support to help you achieve your goals and navigate life’s challenges. Below are the services we offer:

Our speaking engagement service is an opportunity for organizations and groups to benefit from the vast knowledge and experience of Dorothy Patterson, the founder of The Real Reality Coach. Dorothy is an engaging and passionate...

KNES Texas 99.1 FM Sunday Night Gospel Radio Host, recipient of Mesquite NAACP Community Service Award, Opted article writer for The Garland Journal News, served as Judge Alex hair care specialist, certified Community Health Worker...

Our journalism service is perfect for individuals or organizations looking for compelling, insightful, and thought-provoking articles on a range of topics. Dorothy Patterson is an experienced writer and journalist, with a keen eye for detail...

Our writing and book signing service is perfect for aspiring authors who need guidance and support in bringing their vision to life. Dorothy Patterson is a published author, and she can help you to develop...

Our group advocacy service is designed for organizations and groups that want to make a positive impact in their communities. Dorothy Patterson is a seasoned advocate with a track record of success in social justice,...

Our empowering lectures and seminars are designed to help individuals and groups achieve their full potential, both personally and professionally. Dorothy Patterson is an experienced speaker and educator, and she can provide valuable insights and...

At The Real Reality Coach, we believe in the power of conversation to create positive change. Our platform for different conversations offers a safe and inclusive space for individuals and groups to share their perspectives,...